[foundation-board] Fwd: Summary of conversation re invoice payment

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Jun 17 13:23:37 UTC 2010

Further to discussion at the last board meeting today I spoke with the
data.gov.uk (John Sheridan in particular) about payment situtation.

Below is the summary we agreed. John stated clearly there was no
problem paying -- the problem is an administrative issue largely
related to sorting out MOUs between the relative government parties
and to John's busyness. He now has more time and is going to work on
this as number one priority for next week.

Given his assurance that:

a) we will receive a significant tranche of outstanding monies by end
of June -- which will allow us to easily cover outstanding liabilities
(I believe we are almost covered already)

b) and that remaining monies can be invoiced by end of June

I would recommend to the Board that we continue working as we
currently are, at least until the end of June.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>
Date: 17 June 2010 13:55
Subject: Summary of conversation re invoice payment
To: "Sheridan, John" <John.Sheridan at nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk>
Cc: "Lait, Claire" <claire.lait at nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk>, John
Sheridan <johnlsheridan at yahoo.com>

1. Here is an updated version of existing payments situation
spreadsheet (also just shared with you both now):


2. JS agreed that monies will be paid (no problem here other than
 * ACTION: JS to response acknowledging this!

3. Existing raised invoices to be paid by end of June (35k being
36.47k with VAT).

4. Remaining not yet invoiced money to be able to invoiced by end of June.

5. RP suggest we think about putting in place a new agreement between
OKF and TNA (or CO or whoever) for ongoing work.

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