[foundation-board] Board minutes for publication - approval needed

Becky Hogge becky.hogge at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 16:52:27 UTC 2010

Dear all

The thread Rufus started this week about accusations of opacity being
levelled at OKF was the push I needed to finish summarising the
minutes for publication:


These now go back to the retreat we did in May 2009, which is when we
decided to publish the minutes. The ones asterisked are the ones that
still need approval before publication because they were not approved
at the time. However, I'd urge everyone to read through all of them.
I've found it a positive experience as I've been reading the minutes
back, looking at the work and thought we've all put in to OKF in the
past eighteen months.

I for one am looking forward to sharing this story with the community,
and I even think it would be worthwhile to flag the publication of the
minutes with a blog post of some kind - something that includes a
small mea culpa at the beginning for not sharing this info sooner, a
narrative of what the Board hope it has contributed so far, and how it
intends to work moving forward, etc. Though not a direct response to
the allegations, it would be an opportunity for us to re-engage with
the community in a positive way. I'd be interested to hear what other
people thought.

On a more practical note, since some of these do still need approval,
I suggest that we all aim to have the minutes approved at the next
Board meeting, which means flagging any issues you have with them now,
please, so they can be resolved by then.



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