[foundation-board] "members" language on /governance page

Jordan S Hatcher jordan at opencontentlawyer.com
Tue Sep 14 22:26:20 UTC 2010

Hi everyone

I briefly mentioned the use of "members" on the /governance page and the need to make it clear that formal "membership" of our company limited by guarantee (the equivalent of a shareholder in a profit making company).  We have to be clear that any kind of OKF membership doesn't mean being a member of Open Knowledge Foundation Limited.

Forgive me if it's there and I missed it, but I do not see this distinction on the current page:


I understand from Rufus that this distinction used to be there.

Has the page on the site changed? Jo?

I'm concerned because the current page makes "members" look like a voting status inside the organisation, including by requiring "members" to be in working groups, and that the board can "revoke" membership. Parts of it look like they were copied directly from the ASF website?

Can we change this ASAP or revert it back to the previous version and make this version a "draft"?


Mr. Jordan S Hatcher, JD, LLM

More at: <http://www.jordanhatcher.com>
Co-founder:  <http://www.opendatacommons.org>
Open Knowledge: <http://www.okfn.org/>

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