[foundation-board] Thread with Iconomical (was: Fwd: terms of code release)

Becky Hogge becky.hogge at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 13:31:01 UTC 2011

On 1 February 2011 21:00, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> 2011/2/1 Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com>:
>> From this thread, the issue appears to be that they are withholding
>> source code and you are withholding payment, but it sounded from the
>> email they cc'ed to Board members' private email address like they
>> were withholding code from a current project because OKFN was
>> withholding payment from a previous project. Are you confident that
>> the Board do not need to be aware of this situation, or would you mind
>> providing a brief summary of the state of affairs with Iconomical?
> I'm of course happy to provide a state of play if people want it

Yes, please.

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