[foundation-board] Omidyar prep esp FAO Becky!

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue May 24 17:45:06 UTC 2011

Hi All,

I'm following up Jason's mail and to given further background to the board.
I should emphasize this is a really big opportunity for the Foundation as it
is a chance to obtain substantial multi-year core funding.

The following summary is excerpted from the summary document <
(there is more info in the shared folder [1]):

[1]: <

   - OKF is seeking substantial multi-year core funding from Omidyar (on the
   order of $1m+ in total)
   - Initial contact in
   - RP had phone call then met with Stephen King of Omidyar in March 2011.
   Sent detailed followup set of Q&A which you can see here:
   - Omidyar got back to us at start of May and wanted to schedule ‘Round
   2’, a 1h phone con and presentation to investment committee. This is now
   scheduled for 13th June. In addition there is an in-person informal meeting
   on 8th June in London. Email from SK of Omidyar is below.
      - They are eager for other board members to participate. Becky has
      already agreed to come to phone con and meeting.
      - In terms of detailed prep Rufus will lead on this with Jason and

Immediate actions are (with assignees):

   1. Prepare slides [RP + MK] (review by BH). First draft due CoP Friday
   27th May.
   2. Provide background info (see below) [RP + JK]. First draft due CoP
   24th May.

It would be great to have input from Board members especially in reviewing
the slides once first draft is done.



On 18 May 2011 17:02, Jason Kitcat <jason.kitcat at okfn.org> wrote:
> Dear all
> In Google Docs there is now a folder:
> OKF Funding & Project > OKF Omidyar preparation
> Where the docs we need to get ready for our presentation with Omidyar are
now living. You should all have access to this either under your own Google
Account or the okfn.board login.
> Note:
> * I need all your help to remind/update me of donors (not
contracts/clients) we have won for 2011. Please update this spreadsheet if
you can:
> * Current cash position awaits Xero upload by Rufus
> Many thanks,
> Jason
> --
> Jason Kitcat
> Foundation Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> +44 (0) 7956 886 508
> http://www.okfn.org
> http://twitter.com/jasonkitcat
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Co-Founder, Open Knowledge Foundation
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