[foundation-board] Knight grant contract

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Nov 22 15:06:00 UTC 2011

On 22 November 2011 12:31, Martin Keegan <martin at no.ucant.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> attached is a copy of the contract the Knight Foundation wants us to sign
> for the Spending Stories project.
> 6% of the value would go to a fiscal sponsor organisation called the Tides
> Foundation (they are a US-based middleman Knight uses for grants to
> non-US entities). There's some flexibility for modifying the deliverables

Is this 6% out of the original grant amount ($250k) or 6% on top of
that amount (i.e. we still get original amount). If the latter we're
ok but on the former: that's quite a lot we're losing!


> if they get overtaken by events or completed significantly under budget.
> Last week Knight agreed in writing to let us vary the IP licensing terms
> such that we can use the Affero GPL (under which OpenSpending is already
> licensed) rather than the vanilla GPL, which they'll do in a side letter.
> Please have a look, and indicate whether you'd be happy for this to be
> signed on behalf of OKF.
> Regards,
> Mk
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