[foundation-board] Revised Omidyar grant agreement

Ben Laurie ben at links.org
Wed Sep 7 09:17:44 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 7:56 AM, Jordan S Hatcher
<jordan at opencontentlawyer.com> wrote:
> I'm generally happy with the changes.  I'd like to note a few things for the board's specific attention:
> * there are specific rules around our publicity of Omidyar and use of their trademarks, including getting pre-clearance for use and publicising the grant at Section 15. Not a huge deal, but it means that we need to be aware of this operationally.
> * we must comply with US trade sanctions when we spend Omidyar money. As practical examples, I take this to mean that for example we will have to carefullly consider: (1) employing, sponsoring, or giving travel funding to nationals of any of the sanctioned states (2) setting up programs that involve any of those sanctioned states.  Examples of the latter could be, an "Open Government Data Iran" or an OKF North Korea.  Some examples might be unlikely, but others, such as having a Cuban attend an event and ask for travel funding, might not be.
> <http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx>
> * We cannot spend these funds in the US or use it to set up a US chapter without going through some significant hoops.

Are these conditions sticky? That is, if we develop some s/w using
their money are we then forbidden forever from using them as above?

> As long as Jason and Rufus believe we can comply with the above operationally, I'm +1
> Thanks
> Jordan
> On 6 Sep 2011, at 10:02, Jason Kitcat wrote:
>> On 2 Sep 2011, at 11:06, Rufus Pollock wrote:
>>> @Jason: Just to confirm for everyone on the board:
>>> this new document is revised in light of all the comments from the
>>> last version and the call you and Jordan had with Omidyar.
>>> Furthermore, am I correct in thinking that both you and Jordan are
>>> happy with this new version (and specifically that important relevant
>>> changes have been incorporated).
>>> If so I'm +1.
>> I am happy with it - I wouldn't have passed it back to the board if I wasn't :-)
>> However I've not heard Jordan's views on the revised version so can't speak for him.
>> All the best,
>> Jason
>> --
>> Jason Kitcat
>> Project Co-ordinator
>> The Open Knowledge Foundation
>> +44 (0) 7956 886 508
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> ____
> Mr. Jordan S Hatcher, JD, LLM
> More at: <http://www.jordanhatcher.com>
> Co-founder:  <http://www.opendatacommons.org>
> Open Knowledge: <http://www.okfn.org/>
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