[foundation-board] Revised teaming agreement with TenForce for EC Open Data Portal bid

Jason Kitcat jason.kitcat at okfn.org
Fri Sep 16 21:23:49 UTC 2011

Dear board

Further to my previous emails, I have taken Jordan's advice and negotiated with TenForce to develop a revised agreement which TenForce urgently request our signature on.

What has changed?

* Removal of "joint and several" liability from clauses. Clarification on meaning of clauses where that had been placed to limit their meaning dramatically;

* Removal of section on intellectual property (which transferred rights to the EC);

* Restriction on recruiting each other's staff now reduce to 6 months;

* Use of the words "best effort" have been switched for "reasonable effort" in a few places;

* Any litigation must now be in English.

Please let me know your views as soon as possible.


PS Jordan some of the bits you commented on were from an old version in tracked changes that show up in OpenOffice but not Word (e.g. clause 4.4 you queried)

[see attached file: Teaming Agreement TENFORCE  - OKFN v02.docx]
Jason Kitcat
Foundation Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

+44 (0) 7956 886 508


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