[foundation-board] Appointment to OfCom Advisory Committee

Ben Laurie ben at links.org
Wed Nov 7 17:52:23 UTC 2012

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all
> This is just a quick note to let Board members know that I have been
> appointed to OfCom's Advisory Committee for England. The announcement
> of the appointment is to be made in the coming days, and I thought it
> would be polite to let you know in advance.
> The role of the Committee is billed as "advising Ofcom about the
> interests and opinions, in relation to communications and postal
> matters, of persons living in England", however the new intake (I am
> one of four) is intended as much to provide them with specific
> expertise on the various areas of OfCom's work, with my contribution
> being expertise on the internet and consumer and citizen rights. I was
> head-hunted for the position, and talked in my interview about being
> able to raise civil rights concerns about new policy at a productive
> stage in the policy-making process (I was interviewed the day the
> European Parliament rejected ACTA).
> Time will tell whether I will be able to make any significant
> contribution to the greater good through this channel, but I thought I
> might at least give it a go.


> Warm wishes to all
> Becky
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