[foundation-board] Management accounts for Q1YE2014

Laura James laura.james at okfn.org
Thu Oct 3 16:29:42 UTC 2013

Please find attached the P&L and balance sheet for the first quarter of
this year.

As expected you will see our costs have increased and as our large new
grants kick in during August/September (OSF, Omidyar, World Bank), plus
this was a quiet period for professional services, we show a slight loss on
the period. The Balance Sheet does not show any allocation to emergency
funds at the end of the previous FY which we expect to push through in the
coming weeks as we wrap up the year end.

I'm happy to take questions via email but it may be better to wait until
the next board meeting.

Best regards,



Dr Laura James

CEO  | skype: laura.james  |  @LaurieJ <https://twitter.com/LaurieJ>

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