[foundation-board] Next Wednesday's informal board call

Karin Christiansen k.christiansen at party.coop
Thu Apr 3 21:20:16 UTC 2014

Hi all, as one of the people that can't make, that is fine for me obviously.

Tom and I have had a number of finance chats in the last few days and he was going to use it to update people on our thoughts on the finance side.  But I will try and summarise instead, and Tom please add/correct.

So, huge progress has been made, but as we agreed last time meeting, there is the need for reinforcement with some elements of the finance system. We agreed the first step was to take a quick step back and doing an overview of the issue would be helpful. So Tom is doing a quick and dirty stocktake which can help with the next step in prioritization of what kind of help.

We also thought we should have a finance sub group meeting soonish if people.

Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "Laura James" <laura.james at okfn.org>
To: "OKF Board Mailing List" <foundation-board at lists.okfn.org>, "Martin Tisné" <mtisne at omidyar.com>
Subject: [foundation-board] Next Wednesday's informal board call
Date: Thu, Apr 3, 2014 17:51


Rufus and I suggest we don't use the meeting slot next Wednesday as we know several of you can't make it.  We are talking with a few of you about specific topics in separate 1:1s and that's proving very helpful on a number of fronts, so we'll continue this in the coming weeks.

I'll also cancel the calendar invite.

Best regards,



Dr Laura James

CEO  | skype: laura.james  |  @LaurieJ<https://twitter.com/LaurieJ>

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