[foundation-board] Open Knowledge board meeting July 2014

Laura James laura.james at okfn.org
Wed Jul 9 17:36:30 UTC 2014

And notes for tonight (feel free to contribute!)




On 9 July 2014 18:34, Jane Silber <jane.silber at canonical.com> wrote:

>  Hi all -
> Conference call number is +44 207 630 2405
> code 61022 28410
> thanks,
> Jane
> On 09/07/14 18:25, paula le dieu wrote:
>  also dialling in.
>  p
> On 9 July 2014 18:23, James Casbon <casbon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am also unable to get out.  Apologies.  Will try and dial in, if I can.
>>  On 9 Jul 2014 18:14, "Tom Cobbold" <tomcobbold at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>  Huge apologies, work meeting overrun, in Dartford, of all the sunny
>>> places. Might make 7pm, if much later I shan't interrupt proceedings.
>>> Tom Cobbold FCCA
>>> 07968 324935 <07968%20324935>
>>> On 3 Jul 2014, at 15:01, Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org> wrote:
>>>  A meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation board will be held at the
>>> offices of Canonical, 5th floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark
>>> Street, London SE1 0SU  at 6:30pm on Wednesday 9th July 2014.
>>>  You will find the board pack attached; this includes the 3 papers
>>> forming the revised Omidyar proposal (3 yr business plan, strategy
>>> background, theory of change) which may be of interest. Do let me know if
>>> you have any additional items or papers!
>>>  Please let me know at least 24hours before the meeting whether you
>>> intend to attend in person, remotely, or are unable to join the meeting.  A
>>> remote attendance link will be sent out (if needed) on the day.
>>>  Best regards,
>>>  Laura
>>>  --
>>> * Dr Laura James CEO   *
>>> *skype: laura.james  |  *@LaurieJ <http://twitter.com/LaurieJ>
>>> * Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>    -    See how information can
>>> change the world http://okfn.org/ <http://okfn.org/>  |  @okfn
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>>> <http://okfn.org/about/newsletter> Join us in Berlin at OKFestival, July
>>> 15-17, to meet everyone else building a world where insights are available
>>> and apparent to all! Tickets still available: okfestival.org
>>> <http://2014.okfestival.org/tickets/> Open Knowledge Community Stories
>>> | http://okfncommunity.tumblr.com/ <http://okfncommunity.tumblr.com/> | see
>>> how people are changing the world The Open Knowledge Foundation is a
>>> not-for-profit organisation.  It is incorporated in England & Wales as a
>>> company limited by guarantee, with company number 05133759.  VAT
>>> Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address: Open Knowledge
>>> Foundation, St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS,
>>> UK.   *
>>>    <board pack 2014-07-09.zip>
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> --
> Jane Silber | CEO | Canonical
> Dir: +44 (0)20 7630 2472 | Mob: +44 (0)7899 891 943www.canonical.com | www.ubuntu.com
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> foundation-board at lists.okfn.org
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*Dr Laura JamesCEO  *

*skype: laura.james  |  *@LaurieJ <http://twitter.com/LaurieJ>

*Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>    -    See how information can change
the worldhttp://okfn.org/ <http://okfn.org/>  |  @okfn
<http://twitter.com/OKFN>  |  Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork>  |  Blog <http://blog.okfn.org/>
<http://okfn.org/about/newsletter>Join us in Berlin at OKFestival, July
15-17, to meet everyone else building a world where insights are available
and apparent to all! Tickets still available: okfestival.org
<http://2014.okfestival.org/tickets/>Open Knowledge Community Stories
| http://okfncommunity.tumblr.com/ <http://okfncommunity.tumblr.com/> | see
how people are changing the worldThe Open Knowledge Foundation is a
not-for-profit organisation.  It is incorporated in England & Wales as a
company limited by guarantee, with company number 05133759.  VAT
Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address: Open Knowledge
Foundation, St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS,
UK.  *
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