[foundation-board] Agenda for today's Board Meeting

Karin Christiansen k.christiansen at party.coop
Wed Nov 12 12:29:05 UTC 2014

Thanks Rufus.

Do we have the paper on the international recruitment costed options or is that not ready yet?


From: foundation-board [mailto:foundation-board-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Rufus Pollock
Sent: 12 November 2014 12:13
To: OKF List
Subject: [foundation-board] Agenda for today's Board Meeting

Dear  Board Members,

Here is the draft agenda for the meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation board to be held at Mozilla, 101 St Martin's Lane, Covent Garden, London at 6:30pm-8:30pm on Wednesday 12th November 2014.

1.      Review of Minutes of Last Meeting [Chair]

2.      Review of Actions [Chair]

3.      Update on organisational situation [ie resignations; should there be a paper for this ahead of time?] and organisational development plan (?) [Karin]

4.      Review of Finances [Laura]

a.      (?) Omidyar Grant Recap

5.      Interim General Manager - approval of appointment [Rufus + Recruitment Subgroup]

6.      ED Search Update [Recruitment Subcommittee]

.        Clarity of who is on subcommittee (Rufus, staff and community link)

a.      Paper from SMT [TBC]

7.      CKAN Commercial plans

8.      Board membership and finance group membership

9.      AOB

Note: we have a table booked a table for the directors to have dinner together afterwards at 8:45, at Cote on St Martin's Lane.



Rufus Pollock

Founder and President | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock<https://twitter.com/rufuspollock>

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The Open Knowledge Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation.  It is incorporated in England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee, with company number 05133759.  VAT Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address: Open Knowledge Foundation, St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, UK.
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