[foundation-board] Fwd: Oak Foundation

Pavel Richter pavel.richter at okfn.org
Mon May 29 07:51:59 UTC 2017

Dear Board members,

we are looking for a way into the Oak Foundation (see Katelyns email
below), to seek funding from them. Does anyone of you know anyone there and
could make an introduction?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Katelyn Rogers <katelyn.rogers at okfn.org>
Date: 24 May 2017 at 07:35
Subject: Oak Foundation
To: Pavel Richter <pavel.richter at okfn.org>

Hey Pavel,

I hope you are well - would be great to get an intro to the Oak Foundation
from Andrew sooner rather than later. What would you advise we do. I can
share some School of Data documentation.

There are a few programme areas that would potentially work for us but I am
pretty convinced the most appropriate is the International Human Rights.
This is because School of Data has wanted to partner with the International
Accountability Project (http://accountabilityproject.org/) on the
fellowship programme. They are a small organisation and didn't have the
funding this year but we think it could be a great opportunity.

Do you think you could ask Andrew to arrange an introduction?



Katelyn Rogers

Project Manager  | katelyn.rogers at okfn.org  <https://twitter.com/joebloggs> |
Skype: katelynjrogers

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Kind regards

Pavel Richter
Open Knowledge International
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