[foundation-board] Finances update

Karin Christiansen karin.christiansen at okfn.org
Wed Aug 1 12:25:21 UTC 2018

Dear All (and Rufus in particular),

Regarding last week's finance discussion - we thought we had sent through
the cashflow burn narrative
which had been amended to address Rufus's questions around finance ahead of
last week's meeting, but the changes weren't reflected in the document you
had access to. Our apologies for the resulting confusion.

One question not addressed in that is:
>> - If expenditure exceeds expected income what steps we are taking re
costs and income (we already have the pipeline for a sense of we are doing
to grow income though)

In part this was addressed in our discussion about reserves (we are
maintaining reserves and monitoring cashflow to reduce exposure and costs)
but the approach for how to get more income and shifts in the business
model as core funding drops is an ongoing leadership discussion  and one we
clearly need to engage in with the board.

Do let us know if you have any further questions.

As noted, in general do liaise with Mark if you have suggestions, concerns,
questions, general feedback, etc.  With his drop to 2 days we are working
through the best use of this time.

Great to meet you all last week and looking forward to working together in

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