[Gastosabertos] List of 32 Creative Crowd-Driven Journalism and Civic Projects

Fabiano Angelico fabiano em ok.org.br
Sexta Dezembro 18 12:36:30 UTC 2015

Um crowdsourcing em cima dos dados do GA seria interessante. Acho que
deveríamos fazer um pequeno evento como este aí, na Universidade de Arizona

*What Could You Do With An Actual Crowd?*A List of 32 Creative Crowd-Driven
Journalism and Civic Projects

At Newsgeist — a gathering a journalists, technologists and community
organizers — a group of us gathered in a small classroom at Arizona State
University to talk about how journalists could mobilize large groups of
people to do amazing things together. We brainstormed a huge list of models
and ideas from creating public and live action games to to human-powered
data vizualitions and community dialogue projects.

Below is an annotated list of 32 ideas for IRL engagement mentioned during
the discussion, with links to examples or background on each. We know this
list just scratches the surface of participatory public events, so add
other ideas in the comment section.
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