[geo-discuss] [Frieda.brepoels-assistant2@europarl.europa.eu: FW: Inspire second reading and Council position?]

Benjamin Henrion bh at udev.org
Wed Jun 7 12:11:17 BST 2006

----- Forwarded message from BREPOELS Frieda ASSISTANT2 <Frieda.brepoels-assistant2 at europarl.europa.eu> -----

From: BREPOELS Frieda ASSISTANT2 <Frieda.brepoels-assistant2 at europarl.europa.eu>
To: zoobab at ffii.org
Cc: BREPOELS Frieda <Frieda.brepoels at europarl.europa.eu>
Subject: FW: Inspire second reading and Council position?
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 12:36:24 +0200
Message-ID: <0FCD1C13741E0A40B37CB7CD8DC6A6AB3EBD6B at EPBRUSA23.ep.parl.union.eu>

Good afternoon Mr. Henrion

I would like to thank you for your interest in this dossier. After the
vote in ENVI-committee, the Parliament was ready to negotiate with the
Council. Unfortanetely, the Austrian presidency was not given a mandate
by the other member states.
As a result, no negotiations are taking place. INSPIRE will be discussed
in conciliation (a so called third reading), after the vote in plenary.

I will not table any new amendments to the recommendation. 

Best regards

Frieda Brepoels

Karlien De Turck

Medewerker Europarlementslid Frieda Brepoels (N-VA)

Assistant Member of the European Parliament Frieda Brepoels


Uw toekomst in Europa! 


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Henrion [mailto:zoobab at ffii.org] On Behalf Of Benjamin
Sent: 06 June 2006 10:34
Subject: Inspire second reading and Council position?

Dear Mrs Brepoels MEP,

I am writing to you regarding the Inspire directive, which will be voted
next week in plenary in Strasbourg.

Usuallly, when there is a disagreement between the Council and the
Parliament at this stage, and I have understood that there is one over
ownership and distribution rights of the data produced by national
mapping agencies, there are negociations to find an agreement between
the 2 institutions before the second reading in plenary.

I wonder what has given the negociations, and what is the current
status of the positions of ministers.

I am also interested to know if you, or any other MEP or groups of MEPs,
will table other amendments then your report to the Common Position.

Best regards,

Benjamin Henrion <bh at udev.org>

----- End forwarded message -----

Benjamin Henrion <bh at udev.org>
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