[geo-discuss] Fw: INSPIRE Democratic Process 15/2006
Jo Walsh
jo at frot.org
Fri Mar 24 15:46:01 UTC 2006
a lot of reference information further down here, on findind national
departmental contact details for representatives in the Council, also
a good list of who voted from ENVI on tuesday.
----- Forwarded message from Christopher Corbin <corbinceh at ntlworld.com> -----
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:49:30 +0000
Subject: INSPIRE Democratic Process 15/2006
From: Christopher Corbin <corbinceh at ntlworld.com>
To: EGIP <european-gi-policy at jrc.it>
Thread-Topic: INSPIRE Democratic Process 15/2006
Thread-Index: AcZKc2rKqWPgcLZmEdquhwAKlXzAGgD3xLq0ADmhMtk=
The European Parliament ENVI Committee has published the document of
accepted amendments. Document reference A6-0081/2006
The document confirms that Amendments 1 through to 35 (the Rapporteurs Ms
Frederika Brepoels) and amendment 43 (put forward by Ms Satu Hassi) were
The overall vote was 45 in favour with one abstention.
Members of the ENVI committee that took part in the vote included:
Adamos Adamou
Liam Aylward
Johannes Blokland
John Bowis
Frederika Brepoels
Martin Callanan
Dorette Corbey
Chris Davies
Avril Doyle
Mojca Dr??ar Murko
Edite Estrela
Jillian Evans
Anne Ferreira
Matthias Groote
Françoise Grossetête
Gyula Hegyi
Mary Honeyball
Marie Anne Isler Béguin
Caroline Jackson
Eija-Riitta Korhola
Holger Krahmer
Urszula Krupa
Aldis Ku????is
Linda McAvan
Riitta Myller
Péter Olajos
Miroslav Ouzký
Vittorio Prodi
Frédérique Ries
Guido Sacconi
Karin Scheele
Carl Schlyter
Richard Seeber
Jonas Sjöstedt
Bogus??aw Sonik
María Sornosa Martínez
Antonios Trakatellis
Thomas Ulmer
Marcello Vernola
Åsa Westlund
ENVI Committee substitutes that took part in the vote included:
Alfonso Andria
Bairbre de Brún
Jutta D. Haug
Miroslav Mikolá??ik
Andres Tarand
Claude Turmes
Now that the EP ENVI committee has approved the second reading amendments
that will go forward to the plenary of the European Parliament, negotiations
may well get underway between the EP, Council and Commission rapporteurs for
On the Council side the Member State Permanent Representative personnel will
no doubt be involved. To find out who your countries permanent
representatives are to the European Union then visit the following URL:
within this web site the following URL provides the links to the Member
State Permanent Representatives.
Alternatively you could visit your Countries Permanent Representatives web
site (however be warned they are not yet all in the Information Society as
yet as can be seen by the following list of URL's. Perhaps they wish to be
out of sight - the European Parliament and MEP's are stars by comparison! Or
perhaps I am rather slow at locating them!! What ever there appears to be a
mismatch between the Lisbon Treaty regarding making Europe the Information
Society and Knowledge economy in the world and reality!)
Czech Republic http://www.mzv.cz/wwwo/default.asp?idj=2&amb=3
Finland http://www.finlandeu.org/en/
France http://www.rpfrance-ue.org/
Germany http://www.eu-vertretung.de/de/
Hungary http://www.hunrep.be/
Lithuania http://www.lt-mission-eu.be/index_en.htm
Poland http://www.brukselaeu.polemb.net/index.php?document=20
Slovakia http://www.mfa.sk/zu/index/podstranka.php?id=367
UK http://www.ukrep.be/
It is worth contacting your Member State permanent representatives to find
out the position they will take on INSPIRE in the second reading. (Don't
forget these good people are there to represent and work for you! You no
doubt pay there salary indirectly from your taxes!) Alternatively email
them as to why you believe the European Parliament amendments should be
Lastly perhaps a little aspiration control....the Austrian Presidency might
not find the time to take the INSPIRE directive through to a final decision.
All the signs are looking like it will fall to the Finnish Presidency in the
second half of this year.
If you need some motivation and you are a supported and or have invested a
huge amount of intellectual capital over past years in INSPIRE then you may
need to start considering what the world will be like without INSPIRE - as
this could be a distinct possibility.
In summary if you wish to see INSPIRE become reality then you need to do at
least one or more of the following:
Lobby your MEP's
Lobby your Permanent Representatives to the European Union
Lobby your lead Ministry for INSPIRE in your country
Lobby your national Members of Parliament
Push for transparency - remember the EU Councils statement at the end of
2005 that they intend to improve transparency of how they are operating -
and if you are a member of a national Association or pan European
Association ensure that they have on the open side of their web site their
position on INSPIRE now that the European Parliament ENVI Committee has
published its recommended amendments. A little naming and shaming on the
latter might assist oil the wheels!
Good luck, share your experiences,
Chris (Corbin)
Telephone: +44 (0) 1273 553110
email: corbinceh at ntlworld.com
EGIP Archive: http://www.ec-gis.org/egip/
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