[geo-discuss] [Fwd: [Freegis-list] Converter for Map Library Files (.mlb) format?]

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Sep 25 12:58:03 UTC 2006

Rufus Pollock wrote:
> They haven't put up an explict copyright notice + license so one cannot
> say for sure.

Yes, that's why I'm asking.

> However looking through the list of data sources on:
>   http://www.maplibrary.org/data_sources.asp
> indicates that their data comes either from:
> 1. US government (definitely open)
> 2. The WHO (UN -- not sure of the status but would guess it is open)
> 3. Egypt and South African government (not sure of status)

Thank you for this clarification.

> Might be worth dropping them a line and asking them to put an explicit
> 'open knowledge'[1] license on the material.
> ~rufus
> [1] http://okd.okfn.org/

Do we/okfn have any official letter prepared with such request or you
mean to send them semi-official request on behalf of OKFN ?

I visited the 'open knowledge' website and couldn't find anything like
"open letter asking for open knowledge" :-)

Mateusz Loskot

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