[humanities-dev] TEXTUS Import Scripts

Sam Leon sam.leon at okfn.org
Wed May 2 11:39:18 UTC 2012

Hi All,

Just to re-iterate Tom's earlier email -- there is now documentation up in
the TEXTUS GitHub repo for the TEXTUS JSON import

On the last Open Humanities
call<http://humanities.okfn.org/2012/03/22/meeting-2012-03-21/>we had
requests for this information as some people have digitised
philosophy content that they would like to get into openphilosophy.org. We
hope the information provided suffices for writing a simple import script.

Ping the list if anyone needs more info to get going on their scripts.


P.s. http://textusproject.org/2012/05/02/import-scripts/

Sam Leon
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Twitter: @noeL_maS
Skype: samedleon
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