[iRail] Address/coordinates as input HAFAS API

Maarten Hermans maarten.hermans at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 11:07:33 UTC 2011

Hello all,

Has someone already succeeded in supplying an address or
coordinate-pair as input, instead of a station-id?

Validating an address (close to a train station) works [1], but
requesting trajectories using that address as input gives an error
[2]. The same for coordinates (of the train station) [3].

In each case the error is:

<Err code='K9220' text='Nearby to the given address stations could not
be found.' level='E'/>

Setting the "distance" and "duration" (for traveling to the station)
attributes of the Adress element to a high value does not help.
Choosing only trains or all transportation does not seem to matter.



[1] http://bit.ly/qk8rlV
[2] http://bit.ly/rudeEO
[3] http://bit.ly/psubHb

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