[iRail] Help needed: stationslist & wikipedia

Tom Waterbley t_waterbley at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 15 08:36:18 UTC 2011

Why don't you try to parse this: 

From: "Pieter Colpaert" <pieter.colpaert at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 2:06 AM
To: "iRail" <iRail at list.iRail.be>
Subject: [iRail] Help needed: stationslist & wikipedia

> Dear List,
> As Christophe brought to our attention earlier today we need a better
> stationslist @ http://api.iRail.be/stations/ . It really would be a
> shame if we would do double work or if we would keep all our efforts
> inside the NPO. I started thinking and now I came up with this solution:
> Wikipedia is pretty awesome. We got all (really, ALL) information that
> one could imagine about any (really, ANY) station on it! Check this out:
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat%C3%A9gorie:Gare_de_Belgique
> or
> http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categorie:Spoorwegstation_in_Belgi%C3%AB
> The English version however is not sufficient at all
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Railway_stations_in_Belgium
> DBPedia
> -------
> DBPedia is a system where you can query wikipedia as if it was a
> relational database. This means that we can just generate a stationslist
> by asking the right thing. I made a query:
> select *
> where {
> ?station a yago:RailwayStationsInBelgium
> OPTIONAL { ?station dbpprop:code ?code }
> OPTIONAL { ?station geo:lat ?lat }
> OPTIONAL { ?station geo:long ?long }
> }
> And put it into http://dbpedia.org/sparql
> Which gave this result: http://dbpedia.org/sparql?default-graph-uri=http
> %3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.org&query=select+*%0D%0Awhere+{%0D%0A%3Fstation+a+yago%
> 3ARailwayStationsInBelgium%0D%0AOPTIONAL+{+%3Fstation+dbpprop%3Acode+%
> 3Fcode+}%0D%0AOPTIONAL+{+%3Fstation+geo%3Alat+%3Flat+}%0D%0AOPTIONAL+{+%
> 3Fstation+geo%3Along+%3Flong+}%0D%0A}&debug=on&timeout=&format=text%
> 2Fhtml&save=display&fname=
> This would give us a HUGE amount of flexibility. By adding different
> parameters such as "?station dbpprop:abstract ?abstract"  you can even
> get the history of a station.
> ---------
> The data which dbpedia returns can only be retrieved from the English
> wikipedia. This means we will not have the great extended pages like on
> the Dutch or French version.
> However, if we, the iRail community, would just translate the Dutch or
> French pages into English, we solved our problem: we'd have a very good
> stationlist in our API. On top of that, we will also have made a lot of
> other people happy who would be trying to look up a wikipedia in English
> about a certain station.
> --------
> Let's make this an iRail issue! Let's translate all pages into English!
> This would be a great achievement for our community.
> What do you think? Who's in?
> Yours sincerely,
> Pieter
> -- 
> iRail vzw/asbl
> +32 (0) 486/747122
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