[iRail] What's going to change in 2013?

Pieter Colpaert pieter at iRail.be
Mon Dec 31 15:04:23 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I know, I know, another New Year's resolution mail that most of the
people will put in their TL;DR bin. But I'll keep it concise and
structured, and, you're free to cheer, because we have had an awesome year.

 * iRail Summer of code 2012 was legendary. We need to do another
edition in 2013, bigger, moar, cooler. This as a Request For Help: if
you want to help out organising or want to get hired as a student in
July 2013 (first until 20th), send us a note at info at iRail.be!

 * We have had 2 spin-offs officially founded, each of them already
having their own employees. Hopefully, double of that get founded in
2013, and even more hopefully, you're going to be part of it.

 * Co & Open are going to be trending topics for 2013. Therefore we are
continuing our "The Hub" idea in Ghent together with Mobile Vikings. In
March we are going to take place close to "De Vooruit" in Ghent, where
we will hopefully host iSoc13 and host any volunteer that wants to come
coding with us.

 * We have been selected to participate in SoLoMIDEM. SoLoMIDEM stands
for Social Local Mobile Identity management and is an IWT ICON project.
That means that we will get some government grants to hire someone
part-time, to manage iRail 3.0 and the social identity management layer
behind it. Michiel Vancoillie is going to take the lead in the new
version of iRail.be and the solomidem project. He has worked at
FlatTurtle for a long while and will now focus on iRail. Give him a warm

 * Last but not least, Apps For Belgium is being organised. Do you
already have your app ready? http://appsforbelgium.be

And if you have read until here, please also take your time to check out
Miet's e-mail about our New Year's drink. It is becoming a tradition,
and who doesn't like free beer?

Kind regards,

iRail vzw/asbl
+32 (0) 486/747122

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