[iRail] Fwd: Preview of OpenTrainTimes Beta

Pieter Colpaert pieter at iRail.be
Mon Sep 24 07:40:56 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I'm not sure if you've got the news that we are going to work more
extensively together on an international level. In the end, we are
creating very similar user interfaces all the time using the same data,
only from another country. Be sure to check-out http://hello.iRail.be.

Hereafter you'll find a mail by Peter Hicks. He's launching a new
version of his website opentraintimes soon. It's basically iRail.be, but
for the UK. Can you help him with some feedback?

Peter: I hope you can handle a bit of criticism. After all, our club
contains the heartlessest critics of Belgium.

Thank you all in advance,


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Preview of OpenTrainTimes Beta
Date: 	Mon, 24 Sep 2012 08:20:19 +0100
From: 	Peter Hicks <peter.hicks at poggs.co.uk>
To: 	opentraintimes-info at poggs.co.uk


Assuming there are no last-minute hitches, I'm aiming to launch the
redesigned OpenTrainTimes on 1st October, with the beta site being
available for preview from Thursday/Friday.

I still have some bugs and compatibility issues to fix (having spent
most of Sunday making the maps work on Internet Explorer!), but if you'd
like an early glimpse, please check out http://beta.opentraintimes.com/.
 I'm happy for you to circulate it within your respective organisation
as long as you feed back any comments to me.

I have fixed the apparently multi-SPADded signals at Northampton issue,
but there are still a couple of things outstanding:

  * When loading track diagrams, sometimes the data won't load
    initially.  Refresh the page and the berths should load
  * The TD feed data appears to have slowed down to a crawl now (not
    sure if it's a problem on my side or not), so today I'm using data
    straight from the ESG platform (freight trains will disappear
    magically later today)
  * VSTP trains aren't included yet, but that's planned
  * Some of the maps aren't complete because I ran out of time when
    drawing them, so there will be things like berths that don't update,

There's a list as long as my arm of things I want to add, including the
much-anticipated "moving blobs on maps", which is still under
development and will hopefully be done in the next month or two.

Please let me know your comments.

Kind regards,


Peter Hicks  |  OpenTrainTimes  |  t: 020 3095 2600  |  m: 07970 476447

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