[kforge-dev] Changeset [1167]: [medium]: variety of small changes to authentication and apache config to …

10: Timeline admin at okfn.org
Wed Aug 1 14:17:59 UTC 2007

[medium]: variety of small changes to authentication and apache config to get things working correctly in kforge 0.13 (at least under apache 2.2 with mod python 3.2). 

* trunk/src/kforge/handlers/modpython.py: trivial change to add a debug line 

* trunk/src/kforge/handlers/projecthost.py: when access handler fails for cookie clients appear to always fall through to authenhandler so make sure that is dealt with better: 

  * return HTTP_FORBIDDEN 
  * reorder processing in a minor way 
  * minor other changes 

* trunk/src/kforge/apache/apacheconfig.py: sort out [AuthType?][1] basic stuff so that this works on current versions of apache. 

* trunk/src/kforge/plugin/trac/init.py: Add [PythonInterpreter?][2] main_interpreter in an attempt to deal with kind of problems detailed in: 

> <[http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/2611][3]> <[http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/3371][4]>

   [1]: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/wiki/AuthType
   [2]: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/wiki/PythonInterpreter
   [3]: http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/2611
   [4]: http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/3371

URL: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/changeset/1167

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