[kforge-dev] KForge test failures (when uri_prefix is set)

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Wed Aug 22 12:29:33 UTC 2007

Hey Rufus,

I was just been doing some work on the Provide system, to support 
providing all application services off a single hostname, when I got the 
following failures from the KForge test suite when running Provide in 
its "distinguish purposes by path" mode.

The 'ERROR' I don't really understand. What's happening here?

The 'FAIL' I perhaps do: I think the test needs to be fixed for the case 
where the uri_prefix has a value. Would you agree?

Best wishes,


ERROR: warandpeace allows visitor access
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 52, in test_isAllowedAccess2
line 20, in isAllowedAccess
line 55, in getService
line 149, in decodeServicePath
Exception: project_service?project=warandpeace&service=example is not 
long enough to be a service path

FAIL: test_getDjangoHandledPaths 
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 54, in test_getDjangoHandledPaths
line 35, in failUnlessFragInFrag
AssertionError: ^/$| not in 

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