[kforge-dev] Ticket #76 (Switch to ReST for docs, build it using sphinx and deploy automatically to ...) created

KForge admin at okfn.org
Sun Oct 25 10:54:37 UTC 2009

At the moment we have to deploy docs by hand into wordpress on website. Better to build docs directly from repository and have them automatically uploaded. Could upload to kforgeproject.com (outside of wordpress but to, say, kforgeproject.com/doc/) or alternatively to knowledgeforge.net/kforge/doc/. 

  * Setup python sphinx (easy -- I've done this before) 
  * Convert existing docs to ReST (restructured text) format -- v. similar to markdown 
  * Automate uploading 

Cost: 3h

URL: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/ticket/76

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