[kforge-user] Re: kforge problems

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Dec 4 08:42:13 UTC 2006

Julian Todd wrote:
> Rufus,
> I've been setting up this Cave Data Repository, and ran through a few of 
> snags.
> 1.  There's no obvious place or email to report errors.

You're supposed to used that link at the side to the kforge-user mailing 
list but, as you are pointing out, this is inadequate.

> 2.  When you create a project and you are not logged in, you get a 
> python error, but the project gets created anyway without any members.  
> The orphan at the moment is http://www.knowledgeforge.net/project/sesame/

Yes. We're aware of this and it is (or should be) a ticket. I'll fix 
this particular instance of the problem by using the sysadmin interface 
to make you project administrator.

> 3.  There's nothing you can do if you forget your password, like email a 
> new one.

Yes. See:


This probably isn't more than an 1-2 hours of work to add a few bits to 
the login page but we need to find that hour! (All patches gratefully 
accepted ...)

> 4.  There's a python error on the link to create a new person
> http://www.knowledgeforge.net/person/create/

Do you mean you get redirected to the login page with the message:

"You'll need to login to access this page"

In this case the account has been created but you haven't been logged in 
and so get the error message. This *is* a bug but not a showstopper.


Rufus Pollock

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