[kforge-user] knowledgeforge.net: get access to backups via rsync

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jan 17 16:07:44 UTC 2006

Knowledgeforge.net is already backed up to a remote machine but for 
those of you who would like to get a copy of your own project's data you 
can now do this via anonymous rsync.

Type the following to get a directory listing of the data:

rsync knowledgeforge.net::knowledgeforge/

You will then probably want to only download your project's subfolder. 
The full command would be something like:

rsync knowledgeforge.net::knowledgeforge/<project-name> \
         <local-folder> --recursive

(You might want to add more options such --delete. See the rsync man 
page for details).


Rufus Pollock

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