[kforge-user] No module named strategy

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftwarefoundation.org
Fri Apr 20 19:40:23 UTC 2007

Hey Maykel,

This is version trouble. This makes sense if you've got kforge from svn 
and installed domainmodel from cheeseshop?

If you got kforge from svn you need to domainmodel from svn too. That 
dm.strategy module is a recent development.

svn co http://project.knowledgeforge.net/domainmodel/svn/trunk/ 

They either python setup.py install, or make sure ...trunk/src is on the 
Python path?

I've just noticed a couple of minor issues with the latest revisions of 
kforge+domainmodel. This is due to developments in domainmodel which 
need taking down to kforge. They will be sorted out over the next few days.

Let me know how you get on?

Best wishes,


Maykel Moya wrote:

>Successfully instaled domainmodel[1]. Now the error is with module
>[1] http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/domainmodel/

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