[kforge-user] [Arch] PKGBUILD for kforge (& domainmodel)

Nicolas Steinmetz nsteinmetz at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 19:39:08 UTC 2007


2007/10/16, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>:
> Fantastic Nicolas. We should be adding you to the AUTHORS file.

No need to - it was just a way to discover how arch package system worked.
As I think I may move in the coming future on mod_wsgi (need some tests
first), it's not sure that I go on with kforge.

These should be listed under the install_requires item in the python
> setup.py files:
> http://www.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/svn/trunk/setup.py
> http://www.knowledgeforge.net/domainmodel/svn/trunk/setup.py

I did not think about the svn - I should - it would have saved me some

This is why they are no longer explicitly listed in the INSTALL file on
> the principle of to not repeating ourselves -- as this leads to bugs
> when one place gets updated but not the other.

but a reference to these files may be useful somewhere if other people plans
to provide packages of/for kforge.

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