[kforge-user] Fwd: Installation issue

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Wed Sep 19 15:01:50 UTC 2007

Nicolas is also correct to suggest you just need an empty database, then

kforge-admin db init


PS Sorry for not hitting 'reply' - I'm writing from a web mail interface.

On 9/19/07, John Bywater <john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net> wrote:
> Hi Capella,
> Nicolas is correct to suggest that the error:
> 'State' record already exists for: {'name': 'pending'}
> happened because you have already setup the KForge database successfully!
> To rebuild the KForge database simply run:
> kforge-admin db rebuild
> This will drop the old database, create new database tables, and
> initialise with some domain object records.
> If you really can't drop the database, perhaps you can create another? If
> so, you will need to change the name in your kforge.conf file.
> Let us know how you go!?
> Best wishes,
> John.
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