[kforge-user] Dependency problems installing 0.14
Martin Fuzzey
mfuzzey at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 21:30:36 UTC 2008
Rufus Pollock wrote:
> Martin Fuzzey wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to install kForge 0.14 on Debian Etch and am running into
>> dependency problem.. First I get :
>> error: Could not find suitable distribution for
>> Requirement.parse('Routes>=1.6,<=1.7')
>> Indeed the current (and only) version of routes on PyPi is 1.7.1. So
>> I changed the setup.py script to allow 1.7.1 (not sure if this is OK)
>> and tried again which gave :
> Ok we should update this. The problem here is that you never know
> whether a new release of a package will be backwards compatible. I'm
> kind of surprised (and slightly disappointed) that pypi seems to
> 'dump' old versions.
It appears that they are not actually deleted from the full PyPi but the
normally viewable index, if you pass
-i http://pypi.python.org/simple/
to easy_install it works...
>> aptitude install python-psycopg and try again
>> Ok database up
> This can't be an explicit dependency since some people could use
> mysql. Perhaps we should document in INSTALL.txt what you need for
> postgresql and mysql.
Yes in debian packaging that could be done by having kforge-core,
kforge-db-postgres, kforge-db-mysql etc (and why not kforge-trac,
kforge-svn, kforge-moinmoin)
>> So I've finally got it running but it wasn't exactly painless.
>> Problems seem to be :
>> 1) Some dependencies correctly specified by kforge non longer exist
>> in Pypi (Routes, SQLObject)
>> 2) Some dependencies required by kforge are not specified (either in
>> meta data or the docs) (mxdatetime, PIL, psycopg)
>> Problem 1) worries me more as it is outside of kforge's contrrol -
>> how do you depend on a volatile archive you don't control?
> Good question!
As I found about above they actually do still exist but are sufficiently
well hidden for it not to work.
The text on http://pypi.python.org/pypi : "Users of setuptools are
encouraged to try out a lighter-weight version of the index
<http://pypi.python.org/simple/>. To use it, pass "-i
http://pypi.python.org/simple/" to easy_install." seems to indicate its
just an optimization when its really required!
>> I think it would be better to have proper debian packages - there was
>> some talk of this
>> http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/kforge-user/2007-February/000077.html
>> Is there any progress on this?
> I agree. This should not be hard to do -- we'd love someone to volunteer.
I'll take a shot at it (I've started actually...)
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