[kforge-user] Can't connect to pg?

tyju tiui jckdnk111 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 22 19:09:07 UTC 2010


I am trying to install the latest version of kforge on RHEL 5 64 bit with python 2.6.

> ./kforge-virtualenv --version

But I can't seem to get connected to the database:

> kforge-admin db init
   kforge [CRITICAL] Database: Could not make a connection: Cannot find a PostgreSQL backend, tried psycopg
   Error: Couldn't init the domain data: Could not make a database connection (see system log for connection URI: /opt/kforge/var/log/kforge.log).

> cat /var/log/kforge.log
   [2010-03-22 18:58:06,802] Logger: Logging initialised.
   [2010-03-22 18:58:06,971] Database: Connecting to postgres://kforge:mypass123@localhost/kforge.
   [2010-03-22 18:58:06,972] Database: Could not make a connection: Cannot find a PostgreSQL backend, tried psycopg

The setup script runs OK and it appears the db is created successfully
> psql -U kforge
   Welcome to psql 8.1.18, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
   Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
          \h for help with SQL commands
          \? for help with psql commands
          \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
          \q to quit
   kforge=# SELECT datname FROM pg_database;
   (4 rows)
   kforge=# \dt
   No relations found.

I wrote a test script and it doesn't have any problems connecting:

   import psycopg2
       conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='kforge' user='kforge' host='localhost' password='mypass123'");
   except Exception, e:
       print e

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.




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