[knowledgeforge-user] Re: [kforge-user] loading cvs dump into subversion repo on knowledgeforge (was: no subject)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed May 16 10:04:46 UTC 2007

dave at cucc.survex.com wrote:
> John Bywater wrote:
>>  Hi Dave,
>>  dave at cucc.survex.com wrote:
>>  >Is it possible to import a Subversion dumpfile into a kforge svn
>>  >repository? (I have some data to add to the Cave Data Repository
>>  >project, but I'd like to preserve the existing revision history.)
>>  >  
>>  >
>>  There isn't any special KForge feature to do this. So if you can find a 
>>  way to do it with svn, it will almost certainly work with a kforge svn 
>>  repository. Check the svn docs?
> Well, I was actually thinking of the specific instance of KForge that is
> KnowledgeForge -- apologies for being vague about this, I wasn't clear on the
> distinction myself at the time. Anyway, I don't have filesystem access to the

No problem. This is a reasonable place to ask though there is also the 
KnowledgeForge specific list:


> KnowledgeForge server, and to load svn dumpfiles (using "svnadmin load") I'd
> need this. So I'm stuck.

Yes this is a general issue I've encountered myself in the past (this 
tends to be a frequent issue on shared machines because often the svn 
repo is owned by the web server user).

> (I gather SourceForge has some special automated script for loading dumpfiles,

Interesting. This would be pretty easy to do ...:

# make sure permissions are correct
cmd = 'svnadmin load ${dumpfile}' ...


Of course most 'features' tend to not be /that/ hard so it is question 
of how important this will be. Given sourceforge was itself using cvs 
heavily this was no doubt worth it to them whereas we have tended to 
start clean with svn.

> -- indeed it was reading the docs for that which made me wonder if
> KnowledgeForge was capable of doing this -- and that suggests to me there may
> be no other easy way of importing repositories with existing revision history.)

How important is the revision history? If it really matters as the 
sysadmin for knowledgeforge I could do a 'one-off' and do this for you 
-- though I wouldn't be able to do this immediately as I have a stack of 
tasks with higher priority :)


Rufus Pollock

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