[knowledgeforge-user] Certificate broken

Francis Davey fjmd1 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 12 19:03:05 UTC 2008

--- Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:

> On 12/05/08 13:12, Francis Irving wrote:
> I'm not getting this though I note that the latest
> version of FF tends 
> to be a lot stricter about invalid security
> certificates.

I'm seeing it on safari too. I've not got to the
bottom of the reason.

> PS: Francis, given ukparse's heavy usage of
> knowledgeforge I was just 
> thinking that it might make sense for you to have
> some kind of sysadmin 
> access to the kforge machine. Much of the time when
> these things go 
> wrong a simple reboot of apache (and/or a quick scan
> of the log files) 
> is sufficient to correct the problem and these are
> things that anyone, 
> in particular those without any special knowledge of
> how kforge works, 
> can deal with. With sysadmin access you would be
> able to obtain more 
> rapid resolution of these issues -- particularly
> when the OKFN sysadmins 
> are not as available as they might be -- e.g. when
> they go on holiday, 
> when it is 4am in the morning etc :)

Sounds like a good idea (I assume you mean the real
Francis, not a fake version like myself 8-).


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