[knowledgeforge-user] Multivariate Statistics Notes/Book

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Wed Apr 1 10:48:48 UTC 2009

Hi Paul,

No worries, thanks for the info! I just tried to add a new, and then 
commit a change to this file.

You may have hit a server reload, or something. Why not try again and 
see if it works now? Try 'svn up'

I was using svn 1.5. Which --version are you on? If you're still having 
problems, let us know and we'll investigate further. ;-) If not, please 
let us know that it's working for you.

Best wishes,


Paul Hewson wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry to be an old nag.   I use a lot of free software and really don't like asking these "can you fix this cos I'm completely clueless here" questions.   Has there been any progress with this?
> I got a slightly different error message this time (before I even entered my password)
> Command: Commit  
> Error: Commit failed (details follow):  
> Error: OPTIONS of 'http://knowledgeforge.net/opentextbook/svn/multivariatestatistics':   
> Error: Could not read status line: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the   
> Error: remote host.  
> Error:  (http://knowledgeforge.net)  
> Finished!:   
> Thanks
> Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Bywater [mailto:john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net] 
> Sent: 19 March 2009 12:25
> To: Jonathan Gray; Paul Hewson; Rufus Pollock
> Cc: knowledgeforge-user at lists.okfn.org
> Subject: Re: [knowledgeforge-user] Multivariate Statistics Notes/Book
> Dear All,
> I've been working on this, and indeed have a solution.
> I'm just waiting for Rufus to let me back in to the server (ahem).
> Rufus - did you get my last email?
> Best wishes,
> John.
> Jonathan Gray wrote:
>> Dear Paul,
>> I wonder what the error might be - and whether its on your end, or
>> something with KnowledgeForge. I'm carbon copying the
>> knowledgeforge-user list. John, Rufus: any idea what might be up?
>> Warm regards,
>> Jonathan
>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Paul Hewson
>> <paul.hewson at plymouth.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm almost done - I have corrected things locally on a stand alone PC and have the book and the notes compiling.
>>> However, there are a few figures and one Readme (enclosed) that I can transmit over svn.   I get the following error:
>>> Error   Commit failed (details follow):
>>> Error Server sent unexpected return value (501 Method Not Implemented) in response to
>>> Error PROPFIND request for '/opentextbook/svn/!svn/wrk/1b1dfe1b etc./multivariate

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