[public-lod2] Free webinar: Linked Data Management on 09 November 2011

Martin Kaltenböck m.kaltenboeck at semantic-web.at
Mon Oct 24 16:23:02 UTC 2011

Dear all, 
(and apologies for cross-posting) 

I am happy to announce the following free webinar on 'Linked Data Management' 
on 09 Novermber 2011, 04.00pm CET 

When it comes to finding the needle in the information haystack, in recent months a 
new magic word appeared: Linked Data. If you want to get involved with the most practical 
"semantic" web we have seen so far, come and attend this webinar! 

Webinar Details: Linked Data Management 
Date : Wednesday, 9. November 2011, 04:00pm to 05.00pm CET 
Detail information : http://bit.ly/npomAJ 
Direct registration link : https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/649722226 

Looking forward to meet you there on 9th of November - all the best - Martin 

Martin Kaltenböck, CMC 
Managing Partner, CFO 
Semantic Web Company (SWC) 
Mariahilferstrasse 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8 
A - 1070 Vienna, Austria 
Tel +43.1.402 12 35 - 25, Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22 


LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - http://lod2.eu/ 

mailto:m.kaltenboeck at semantic-web.at 

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