[public-lod2] Free Linked Open Data Webinar on Zemanta and Open Refine

Thomas Thurner t.thurner at semantic-web.at
Mon Jan 14 14:06:27 UTC 2013

(Apologies for cross-posting)

What: LOD2 webinar series - Zemanta and Open Refine
Who : LOD2 project, presenter Zemanta

On 29.01.2013, 04.00pm CET the LOD2 project (http://lod2.eu) will offer a free one-hour webinar on "Linked Open Data Webinar on Zemanta and Open Refine" (Zemanta, Slovenia)

This webinar in the course of the LOD2 webinar series will present Zemanta and its LODRefine - a LOD-enabled version of OpenRefine (previously Google Refine), which is a part of the LOD2 stack. LODRefine extends cleansing and linking functionalities of OpenRefine by providing means to reconcile and augment your data with DBpedia or any other SPARQL endpoint, extract named entities using Zemanta API, export data in one of the RDF formats, and recently also to exploit available crowdsourcing services. In webinar we will demonstrate several tasks which demonstrate the ease of use and versatility of LODRefine.

If you are interested in Linked (Open) Data principles and mechanisms, LOD tools & services and concrete use cases that can be realised using LOD then join us in the LOD2 webinar series!

When : 29.01.2013, 04.00pm - 05.00pm CET
Information & Registration: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/987970919

The LOD2 team is looking forward to meeting you at the webinar!! All the best and have a nice day!

Thomas Thurner
Head of Transfer
Semantic Web Company GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 70 / 8
A - 1070 Vienna, Austria
Tel +43 1 402 12 35 - 31
Fax +43 1 402 12 35 - 22
Mobile +43 664 88679980


LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - http://lod2.eu/

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