[public-lod2] Please distribute and fill in our LOD2 stack usability survey

Helmut Nagy h.nagy at semantic-web.at
Thu May 23 09:09:07 UTC 2013


in the last two years the LOD2 stack established a collection of applications developed in the context of the LOD2 project, presented as an unified environment. These applications are referred to as components although they can also be installed independently. However, having all these components in a single environment eases the access from one application to the other and improves the UI experience.

As LOD2 stack is now available in it’s second version, questions of usability and end users experience came more in the focus of the ungoing development. So the LOD2 consortium set up a survey asking users of the LOD2 stack (or the online Demonstrator) for feedback, regarding their experiences with the LOD2stack and the separate components. The outcome of this, is to fine tune development and improve the user experience in each phase of the Linked Data life cycle.

The survey is open from April 15 to June 30 and will only demand 15 minutes of your time.


Please fill in the survey if you have tried the stack or it's components and send the links to people that might have.

Kind Regards 
Helmut Nagy, COO
Semantic Web Company GmbH
Mariahilferstrasse 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
A - 1070 Wien, Austria
Tel +43.1.402 12 35 - 33, Mob +43 6991 920 84 29

COMPANY INFORMATION  http://www.semantic-web.at/ 

PERSONAL INFORMATION  h.nagy at semantic-web.at

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