[MyData & Open Data] Open Data for Privacy

Mathieu d'Aquin m.daquin at open.ac.uk
Mon Jun 17 20:39:42 UTC 2013

Dear Reuben,

Thanks for sending this. Having been looking into some similar issues 
for a while (focusing more on semantic technologies/linked data, etc.), 
it is nice to see the idea of "open data for privacy" being promoted in 
this way. The digital footprint concept is certainly something I see as 
very relevant, and I would be very interested in exchanging ideas on 
tools/technologies to support the visualisation/management of one's 
digital footprint.

I hope we can find an opportunity to discuss this at some point. I copy 
a couple of pointers below in case you are interested.

Best Regards,

The upcoming "Privacy in Semantic Technologies" workshop: 
http://events.kmi.open.ac.uk/priset-2013/ and the corresponding surveys: 
A report we wrote on "Consumer Activity Data" - 
A position paper at the W3C workshop on user tracking and privacy on 
"self tracking": http://oro.open.ac.uk/29299/
and a couple of other papers on semantic technologies to support 
something similar to your "digital footprint" concept:

On 17/06/2013 16:21, Reuben Binns wrote:
> I recently delivered a short presentation on 'Open Data for Privacy' 
> at the Open Rights Group conference ( 
> http://orgcon.openrightsgroup.org/ ). The gist of my talk is that even 
> though open data is sometimes in tension with privacy, it can also 
> help address privacy problems. In so far as the problem with personal 
> data collection and use is that it is opaque, open data about data 
> controllers can help make it more visible and provide input for 
> accountability measures.
> The slides for the talk are here 
> http://mydatatransparency.org/data/uploads/orgpres.pdf
> Anyone interested in collaborating on projects in this general vein, 
> please do get in touch.
> -Reuben

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