[MyData & Open Data] Guidelines for privacy and open data

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Tue Jul 14 12:24:41 UTC 2015

Dear all,

I thought to remember there was a section on privacy and how to safeguard no personal data is published in Open Government Data was part of the Open Data Handbook. However looking at it I can't find it anymore.

There are some links in the resources section http://opendatahandbook.org/resources/#privacy

Although there are links to some great papers (as the one from O‘Hara) I can not find a simple and generic (useful as a starting point across jurisdictions) guide that is useful for civil servants that are to decide to publish a certain dataset and need to ensure that no personal data is released and that (if used) anonymisation is applied in a way that safeguards against re-identification.

I am sure something like this exists somewhere, so please excuse my ignorance and thanks a lot for any pointers.

All best

Daniel Dietrich
Chairman & open data evangelist
Open Knowledge Foundation Germany
www.okfn.de | info at okfn.de | @okfde 
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