[MyData & Open Data] Open Data Privacy

Phil Booth phil at einsteinsattic.com
Wed Sep 2 13:57:53 UTC 2015



You might want to take a look at the UK Open Data Institute’s (ODI) Open Data Certificate:




I helped ODI with the privacy portion of the Certificate and we (medConfidential) recently wrote a piece with some other links to, e.g. the UK Anonymisation Network’s guidance on anonymisation, that may prove useful:




Kind regards,


Phil Booth

Coordinator, medConfidential


Mobile: +44 7974 230 839

Web: www.medconfidential.org

Twitter: @medConfidential



From: mydata-open-data [mailto:mydata-open-data-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of leon1.lin at iisigroup.com
Sent: 26 August 2015 04:05
To: mydata-open-data at lists.okfn.org
Subject: [MyData & Open Data] Open Data Privacy



We are currently working on an open data project for a government agency in Taiwan, and currently there has been some questions regarding privacy. We would like to know how other countries, is tackling this issue. We have scoured the internet for guidelines regarding privacy, however, they have been very broad and somewhat vague. We were wondering if anyone might be able to help us to understand how they were able to address the issue of privacy. Specifically, are there any guidelines or procedures on how to manage, sort, anonymize, and generally how to be able to handle the privacy issue without infringing on citizen rights. This is a major concern for the government in Taiwan.


Leon Lin 林顥

IISI - International Integrated Systems Inc.
Mobile: +886-911-671-644
Tel:    +886-2-89691969 # 1511
Fax:    +886-2-89693359
Address: 6F., No. 7, Sec. 2, Xianmin Blvd., Baquiao Dist., New Taipei City 22401, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
地址: 新北市板橋區縣民大道二段7號6F

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