[od-discuss] new member to the advisory council?

Mike Linksvayer ml at gondwanaland.com
Wed Dec 19 20:50:51 UTC 2012

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Luis Villa <luis at tieguy.org> wrote:
> Requirements sound fine, though in practice I'm not likely to +1 anyone who
> I need to Google, so micro-bios would be helpful :)

Agree, added process to http://opendefinition.org/participate/ (which
was already compatible with what Daniel had proposed; I added slightly
more detail).

Baden, could you send a brief bio, which we'd also use for
http://opendefinition.org/advisory-council/ ? Thanks!

> Point of information: how many members are we now?

11 (ref above) but I expect a couple more to move to emeritus status
soonish (waiting for replies re continuing on AC from Bruce, Miller,
Walsh; I will ping them again).


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