[od-discuss] OD conformant proposal: Open Government Licence v2.0 [UNCLASSIFIED]

Ellis, Jo Jo.Ellis at nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk
Thu Jun 6 12:54:54 UTC 2013

There have been many online discussions about whether or not the Open Government Licence is conformant with the Open Definition.  Informed by these discussions, and feedback from other stakeholders, we have made some changes to the OGL to meet these points and produced version 2.0.  Our aim has been to strike a balance between producing a licence which delivers open access in a clear, transparent way and which also protects Crown and other public sector interests.

The changes we have made can be seen in the attached draft of OGLv2.0.

In summary, the basic terms and conditions of the OGLv2.0 remain the same as the previous version:

*           OGLv2.0 allows use and re-use of information in any format for both commercial and non-commercial purposes;
*           attribution is required ;
*           personal information is excluded from the licence, and for that reason we have removed the requirement relating to the Data Protection Act and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations; and
*           departmental logos, crests, military insignia and identity documents continue to be excluded from the licence.

The main change relates to the provisions for non-endorsement, misleading or misrepresentative use.  We have moved these provisions to a separate section of the licence headed "Non-endorsement".  The reason for this is to make it clear that the licence does not permit the re-user to suggest that their versions of the information enjoy any official status or have departmental endorsement.  Equally, we do not want to imply that the OGL is seeking to control how public sector information is used and interpreted.

We believe these changes will make OGLv2.0 fully compliant with the Open Definition principles and look forward to receiving your feedback.


Jo Ellis
Information Policy Manager
p: +44 (0)1603 553225
The National Archives, Dragonfly House, 2 Gilders Way, Norwich NR3 1UB

Sign up to The National Archives' Re-users and Licensees RSS Feed<http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/rss/psi-updates.xml> to get the latest news updates on Public Sector Information.

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