[od-discuss] GGC LB to OKFN advisory council: Conformance check of licence "GeoLicence V1.2.1-Open (mail resent in reduced size)

Baden Appleyard b.appleyard at ausgoal.gov.au
Fri Nov 8 07:58:19 UTC 2013

Thanks you Lars.  Apologies for the delay in responding, but I have been
away for a while.

*Baden M Appleyard*
Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
Linkedin: http://au.linkedin.com/in/badenappleyard

On 31 October 2013 21:04, Behrens, Lars <Lars.Behrens at geobusiness.org>wrote:

>  Hi Baden,
> pls find attached both the English and German version as PDFs.
> Best regards
> Lars
> *Von:* Baden Appleyard [mailto:b.appleyard at ausgoal.gov.au]
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013 11:58
> *An:* Behrens, Lars
> *Cc:* od-discuss at lists.okfn.org
> *Betreff:* Re: [od-discuss] GGC LB to OKFN advisory council: Conformance
> check of licence "GeoLicence V1.2.1-Open (mail resent in reduced size)
> Hi Lars,
> I seem to be having some difficulty obtaining the English version of the
> licence from the links provided.  Would you please be able to attach the
> PDF's in reply.
> Thank you very much in advance.
> ________________
> *Baden M Appleyard*
> Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
> Linkedin: http://au.linkedin.com/in/badenappleyard
> On 31 October 2013 20:13, Behrens, Lars <Lars.Behrens at geobusiness.org>
> wrote:
> Dear OKFN advisory council,
> we would like to submit the “GeoLicence V1.2.1-Open” which can be found
> under
> *English version:*
> *http://www.geolizenz.org/index/page.php?p=GL%2Fopendata&langlic=en_EN
> <http://www.geolizenz.org/index/page.php?p=GL%2Fopendata&langlic=en_EN>*
> *German Version:*
> *http://www.geolizenz.org/index/page.php?p=GL%2Fopendata&langlic=de_DE
> <http://www.geolizenz.org/index/page.php?p=GL%2Fopendata&langlic=de_DE>*
> so that it can be checked for conformance against the Open Definition.
> Please find below more backround information which you have asked for in
> the license approval process:
> *1.*     *The rationale for the new license:*
> The GeoLicence in its original scenarios has been worked out beginning in
> 2010 together with relevant stakeholders from public authorities, research
> and economy to support uniform and easy click-licensing of public geodata
> which is additionally combined with the needed reliability to allow
> sustainable commercial use (mutual agreement, 1-year guarantee for
> availability of offered data product, etc.). The 8 different combinable
> scenarios can be found in English under
> https://www.geolizenz.org/index/page.php?p=GL%2Flicense&langlic=en_EN. In
> addition, to also allow the usage of this licence model for data products
> being provided as OpenData following the OpenData principles, an additional
> “Open” variant of the GeoLicence has been developed, GeoLicence V1.2.1-Open.
> 2.     *Is the license specific to an organization/place/jurisdiction?*
> No, it is compliant to the European and German legal framework but the
> licence formulates general principles (granting of rights, liability etc).
>  All data provider and user are free to use this licence to support the
> re-use of geodata.
> *3.*     *Compare and contrast to any existing similar approved as **OD-conformant
> licenses <http://opendefinition.org/licenses/>**.*
> The GeoLicence V1.2.1-Open can be compared with the CC-BY licence, however
> being more specificly designed to the needs of data products (here:
> geodata).
> *4.*     *What benefit does the new license bring over already approved
> OD-conformant licenses which would outweigh the costs of **license
> proliferation <http://opensource.org/proliferation-report>**?*
> The GeoLicence was developed to become a standard in the geodata sector to
> overcome the massive licence proliferation in Germany, especially in the
> sector of geodata, which is a big obstacle for the commercial users. With
> the GeoLicence-Open, this standard is also expandable to those who are
> already using the GeoLicence model for non-open offers.
> *5.*     *Is the license compatible with existing OD-conformant licenses?
> By alignment (permissions identical or a superset of existing license,
> conditions identical or a subset) and/or express permission to license the
> original and/or adaptations of the licensed work under an existing license?*
> Some of the conditions of the GeoLicence-Open are similar or even word by
> word identical to the CC-BY licence. Generally it can be combined with
> products being distributed under any other licence as long as these other
> licences correspond at least with the terms of use of this GeoLicence
> V1.2.1-Open (see also last sentence chapter 5 of licence text).
> *6.*     *Provide a link to any public drafting process (e.g., conducted
> on a public communication forum of some sort; multiple drafts presented to
> that forum) for the license.*
> The GeoLicence V1.2.1-Open has been drafted and worked out together this
> summer with Daniel Dietrich from OKFN Germany and Mathias Schindler from
> WIKIMEDIA Germany to make the necessary adaptions to the licence text in
> order to be compliant to the Open Definition. Different stages of the draft
> versions had been made available within the group working this out. There
> was no public review on that.
> We are looking forward to hearing from your decision and being able to
> support the Open Data philosophy by providing an “Open
> definition-conformant”- licence  within the GeoBusiness.
> If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact me under my
> contact details below.
> Best Regards,
> Lars Behrens
> ............................
> Lars Behrens
> German GeoBusiness Commission
> - Project Management -
> at the Federal Institute
> for Geosciences and Natural Resources
> Stilleweg 2
> D-30655 Hannover
> Tel.: +49.(0)511.643.2996
> Fax: +49.(0)511.643.2995
> mobile: +49.(0)160.90124459
> E-Mail: lars.behrens at geobusiness.org
> www.geobusiness.org
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