[od-discuss] A harmonised Open Format definition

Baden Appleyard b.appleyard at ausgoal.gov.au
Tue Apr 21 21:36:45 UTC 2015

Hi Stephen,

I agree.



*Baden M Appleyard*
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On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 11:18 PM, Stephen Gates <stephen.gates at me.com>

> Hello Open Knowledge and Open Data Institute friends,
> I would like to explore the possibility of aligning the Open Definition
> <http://opendefinition.org/od/>, Open Data Census <http://census.okfn.org>
>  and Open Data Certificates <https://certificates.theodi.org> definitions
> for Open Format. This would enable the Census, Certificate and other open
> data tools to refer to the Open Definition for a definition of Open Format,
> in the same way they currently do for Open Licences.
> To extend this concept further, I would like to mirror the Conformant
> Licenses <http://opendefinition.org/licenses/> page in the Open
> Definition with a Conformant Formats page. This would provide a list of
> file formats that conform with the Open Format definition. New formats
> could be submitted for assessment. Common formats (e.g. XML, JSON, KML,
> CSV, etc.) would be seeded on the page. Similar to the non-conformant
> licences <http://opendefinition.org/licenses/nonconformant/>  partially
> conforming formats could also be captured (e.g. XLS, SHP). This would cater
> for the spectrum of open file formats proposed by Tim Burners-Lee in his 5
> star scheme <http://5stardata.info>.
> The respective definitions or help text are:
> *Open Definition* draft 2.1
> https://github.com/okfn/opendefinition/blob/master/source/open-definition-2.1-dev.markdown
> The *work* *must* be machine-readable and provided in an open format. An
> open format is one which places no restrictions, monetary or otherwise,
> upon its use and can be fully processed with at least one
> free/libre/open-source software tool. Data *should* be provided in bulk
> where possible.
> *Open Data Census*
> see format, machine readable and bulk rows in Google Sheet,
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqR8dXc6Ji4JdFI0QkpGUEZyS0wxYWtLdG1nTk9zU3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0
> *Format*:
> This question describes the form that the data is available in. For
> example, for tabular data it might be: Excel, CSV, HTML or even PDF. For
> geodata it might be shapefiles, geojson or something else. If available in
> multiple formats, the format descriptors are listed separated with commas.
> Any further information is put in the comments section.
> *Machine Readable*:
> Files are digital, yes, but not all can be processed or parsed easily by a
> computer. In order to answer this question, you would need to look at the
> datasets file type.
> As a rule of thumb the following file types are machine readable:
> - XLS
> - CSV
> - JSON
> - XML
> If the files are in the following formats, the are NOT machine readable:
> - HTML
> - PDF
> - DOC
> - GIF
> - JPEG
> - PPT
> If you have a different file type and you don’t know if it’s machine
> readable or not, send an email to the Open Data Census list.
> *Bulk*:
> Data is available in bulk if the whole dataset can be downloaded easily.
> It is considered non-bulk if the citizens are limited to getting parts of
> the dataset through an online interface.
> For example, if restricted to querying a web form and retrieving a few
> results at a time from a very large database.
> *Open Data Certificates*
> Question: Is this data in a standard open format?
> Help Text: Open standards are created through a fair, transparent and
> collaborative process. Anyone can implement them and there’s lots of
> support so it’s easier for you to share data with more people. For example,
> XML, CSV and JSON are open standards. *Read more*… (links to
> https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/183962/Open-Standards-Principles-FINAL.pdf
> )
> *Proposed changes*
> *A harmonised definition*
> The *work* *must* be machine-readable and provided in an open format. An
> open format is one which places no restrictions, monetary or otherwise,
> upon its use and can be fully processed with at least one
> free/libre/open-source software tool.
> In addition:
> - Data *should* be provided in bulk, i.e. the whole dataset can be
> downloaded easily.
> - An open format *should* be documented so it can be freely implemented
> by others.
> - An open format *should* be defined through a fair, transparent and
> collaborative process.
>  *Open Data Census and Open Data Certificates*
> Adjust questions and help text to reference the Open Format definition
> and/or conformant licenses page.
> *Open Definition site*
> - C
> onsider changing the page names from “Conformant Licences” and “Conformant
> Formats” to “Open Licences” and “Open Formats”.
> - Delete the open format definition page <http://opendefinition.org/ofd/>.
> It is replaced by the Open Formats page and the updated Open Definition.
> *What do you think? *
> Is this worth progressing? Could this extend to Open APIs like Web Map
> Services (WMS)?
> thanks
> Stephen Gates
> (localiser of the Open Data Census and Open Data Certificates in Australia)
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