[odc-discuss] Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 Released

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Jun 29 11:13:48 UTC 2009

Version 1.0 of the Open Database License (ODbL) is now here! Full
announce below.

Please redistribute to all interested individuals and communities.


Rufus Pollock
On Behalf of the Open Data Commons Advisory Council

   ~~ Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 Released ~~


Open Data Commons are delighted to announce the release of v1.0 of the
Open Database License (ODbL):


The Open Database License (ODbL) is an open license for data and
databases which gives users freedom to use, reuse and redistribute
subject only to the requirement of attribution and share-alike.

This license, the first of its kind, is a major step forward for open
data. There are currently very few licenses available suited to data
and databases and none which provide for share-alike (existing
share-alike licenses such as the GPL, GFDL and CC By-SA are all
unsuitable for data).

The development of the ODbL, has been a major effort extending over
more than one and half years with an intensive consultation and review
period for the last 6 months. We'd like to express our thanks to the
communities and individuals who have contributed during this time.
Have fun using it!

### About Open Data Commons

Open Data Commons, http://www.opendatacommons.org/, exists to provide
legal solutions for open data. In March 2008 it launched the first
ever open data license: the Public Domain Dedication and License. Open
Data Commons is an Open Knowledge Foundation project run by its
advisory council and like the Foundation is a not-for-profit effort
working for the benefit of the general open knowledge community.

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