[odc-discuss] First Pass on ODbL Comments

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Mar 24 17:19:01 UTC 2009

2009/3/24 Peter Miller <peter.miller at itoworld.com>:
> On 24 Mar 2009, at 12:11, Rufus Pollock wrote:
>> Just to let everyone know we've done a first-pass on all the ODbL
>> comments and hope to post up a summary soon.
>> It would be useful to hear from Frederik et al at OSM (who raised
>> this) about what the preference is on the "Use" versus "Publicly
>> Convey" as a trigger for SA. Our assumption at present was that the
>> vote was to go back to 2008-04 approach based on "Use". Is this
>> correct?
> Thanks.
> Out of interest have you received any official comments from the OSMF to the
> consultation?

No, not to my knowledge -- though we would need to check with Jordan
as he was liasing directly with the OSMF pro-bono lawyer at the
earlier stage of the drafting process.

I would reiterate that it would be good for OSMF to officially
nominate someone to the ODC Advisory Council. This would not only
provide a clear avenue for transmitting the community's views but also
would provide a direct input into decision making regarding the
license (which is ultimately the responsibility of the AC).

> I realise that various individuals from OSM have commented and I understand
> that the OSMF lawyer has been consulted on the questions raised but I am not
> aware of any response from that internal OSMF consultation yet. It would
> seem odd if no input had been received by yourselves from the foundation.

I understood there was working group within OSM that was dealing with
this issue but I don't think we have received anything from them. Is
anyone from that group on this list?

> I have no view on your Use/Publicly Convey question.



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