[odc-discuss] Introduction By Geospatial Data Producer/User

Sunburned Surveyor sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 22:57:32 UTC 2010

I wanted to briefly introduce myself to the Open Data Commons mailing
list. I'm a land surveyor and mapping professional from Stockton,
California. I'm interested in the applicability and challenges of
using ODC licenses for geospatial data. I also work as a volunteer
with OSGeo, and sling code for the open source desktop GIS program

You can find my web site here:


I will be studying some of th ODC licenses this week, and hope to be
able to apply them to some of the geospatial data sets I am producing.
I also hope to participate in discussions on this mailing list related
to open access to geospatial data.

The Sunburned Surveyor

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